

Flowing water curtain fiber optic, fiber optic curtain (digital water wall, curtain offer digital, electronic curtain, digital water curtain, electronic water curtain, curtain dynamic, dynamic wall of water, dynamic water curtain,)

Lianhong  fountain's water curtain is the era of fiber-optic technology and crystallization of the art in light and water under the joint concert to show a colorful starry space fantasy realm, giving a warm and romantic feeling of harmony. The basic principle of fiber-optic curtain of water is the water flow down along the fiber optic cable, fiber optic light source device in the form of irradiation silent flashes of color changes in the water curtain, while water is not sprayed around, and make the air becomes more humid, indoors play to watch a space, with interior design role. Water generally includes a fiber optic curtain of water at the bottom of the reservoir, the upper fiber sink host, fiber optic curtain, light source, complete water cycle piping systems, control systems.




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